Hi, this is Hoda a 22 years old Lebanese woman studying  
Architecture at the Lebanese American University (LAU). 
If you are visiting my page I hope that you are interested to see the work that I do, as I am sharing a glimpse of my main design projects here.
Architecture is a wide field that never fails to amaze me every time I learn more about it... it is an open ended experience that one can never get enough of.
While People may think it is the Art and Science of Building... I believe that Architecture is about Expression... it's about Research and Understanding where can we Build? How can we Integrate and Enhance the Urban Fabric? What can we Provide to the Community?

Architecture is much more than just Building...

“I don't believe Architecture has to Speak too much... It should remain Silent and let Nature in the guise of Sunlight and Wind”

Tadao Ando